
First Parish Congregational Church

47 East Derry Rd.
Phone: 603-434-0628
Business Hours: LAST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH 4:30PM-5:30PM Website: Visit Website

Suppers are free and open to the community. The meal offers spaghetti with tomato sauce, meatballs, green beans, and garlic bread. All food is prepped in “To-Go’s” and passed out the side door of the kitchen to the driver in the car.


We hope to be able to return to our traditional format and all dine together soon! Check back here for updates or please call the office at 603-434-0628

Spaghetti Suppers are held on the last Friday of every month. Suppers are free and open to the community. We serve anywhere from 75-120 meals each supper. The meal offers a generous portion of spaghetti with tomato sauce, meatballs, green beans, garlic bread, and dessert. In the summer months June-August, we offer fresh garden salad.  More than that we offer a setting for fellowship, sharing joys, hardships, encouragement, comfort, and thanksgiving in a relaxed and non-judgmental atmosphere.  All are Welcome!!!